首页 浴缸、户外大池 平湖市澳鑫洁具有限公司


公司所在地: 浙江 嘉兴市 平湖市 浙江 嘉兴市 平湖市
供应商类型: 制造商
成立年份: 2009 年
年营业收入: 1200 万元-3000 万元
员工总数: 100人以上
交货价:  ¥ 0 - 3480
当地价格:   ¥ 500 - 30000
最小起订量 20
交货周期: 30 天
付款方式: 电汇,信用证,现金
价格条款: 工厂交货,离岸价格
主要出口港: shanghai ,ningbo
原产地: 中国
可服务区域: 点击查看该公司的服务区域
样品是否免费: 收费
multi-function massage bathtub

multi-function massage bathtub

交货价: ¥ 2400 - 2520 块/张/片/个
 1500*1500*600mm whirlpool massage bathtub

1500*1500*600mm whirlpool massage bathtub

交货价: ¥ 2400 - 3000 块/张/片/个
A 3008-1500(R) multi-function massage bathtub

A 3008-1500(R) multi-function massage bathtub

交货价: ¥ 1200 - 1320 块/张/片/个
whirlpool massage bathtub

whirlpool massage bathtub

交货价: ¥ 2400 - 3000 块/张/片/个
AX-8080  2 person whirlpool massage bathbub with faucet

AX-8080 2 person whirlpool massage bathbub with faucet

交货价: ¥ 2400 - 2520 块/张/片/个
A3013 massage bathtub 2 people

A3013 massage bathtub 2 people

交货价: ¥ 2460 - 3120 块/张/片/个
acrylic bathtub with screen AX-2331

acrylic bathtub with screen AX-2331

交货价: ¥ 600 - 900 块/张/片/个
DJ-001 Acrylic Material Bathtub

DJ-001 Acrylic Material Bathtub

交货价: ¥ 1308 - 1368 块/张/片/个
DJ-002 1500x750x600 Freestanding Bathtub

DJ-002 1500x750x600 Freestanding Bathtub

交货价: ¥ 1326 - 1368 块/张/片/个
DJ-004 1700 x 800 x 600 Freestanding Bathtub

DJ-004 1700 x 800 x 600 Freestanding Bathtub

交货价: ¥ 1362 - 1410 块/张/片/个
 DJ001 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ001 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ002 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ002 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ003 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ003 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
AX-3001 1500x780x600 Acrylic Maaaage Bathtub

AX-3001 1500x780x600 Acrylic Maaaage Bathtub

交货价: ¥ 1500 - 1560 块/张/片/个
DJ006 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ006 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ004 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ004 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ005 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ005 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ007 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ007 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ008 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ008 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ009 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ009 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
 DJ012 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ012 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
 DJ011 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ011 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
 DJ015 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ015 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
DJ016 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

DJ016 free standing acrylic bathtub with drainage

交货价: ¥ 1560 - 1800 块/张/片/个
* 沟通语言(口语):
所在地官方推荐语言: 请选择地址 选择项目所在地后,我们将会推荐相应官方语言
其他沟通语言: 常见国际用语您可以直接选择
+ 添加更多 您可添加更多语言


* 沟通语言(书面):
所在地官方推荐语言: 请选择地址 选择项目所在地后,我们将会推荐相应官方语言
其他沟通语言: 常见国际用语您可以直接选择
+ 添加更多 您可添加更多语言

