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Derrick  Calhoun

Derrick Calhoun

办公地址: 加拿大 Manitoba 加拿大 Manitoba
注册年份: 0
服务点赞数: 位用户点过赞


设计服务类型: 建筑规划及方案设计
301-600 元/㎡
0-600 元/㎡
高于600 元/㎡
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Architecture has always been a part of life, having grown up surrounded by people working in, studying, or simply enjoying all forms of architectural art. My grandmother has been a particularly strong influence, as her experiences as a photographer have instilled in me a love of the medium that has influenced both my academic career thus far and continues to play a big role in my work. As I have progressed through my Foundation course, however, I have realized the incredible intellectual rewards that combining art forms offers and am keen to broaden out my interests and abilities, incorporating photography into a more comprehensive creative approach, rather than limiting myself to a singular form, however flexible. Having been sure of my chosen path from a young age, I have dedicated the majority of studies to gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue my ambitions. Having performed well in both Art and Photography AS- and A-levels, I took expert advice from teachers, family and working artists about whether the focus on photography exclusively. Having enjoyed a range of art practices, I decided that combining my photographic work with other media offered an exciting avenue for exploration and thus decided to undertake a Foundation course in Architecture. Having the privilege of studying this course with City and Guilds, well known for its excellent facilities, I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring all aspects of Architecture and gaining the practical and theoretical skills to become a potential practitioner in each.

I have also worked hard to gain experience of the practicalities of the architectural world, as I believe that anyone hoping to make the creative designs their career must have an understanding of its commercial aspects. To this end, I have undertaken voluntary work at La Galerie, London, helping to set up exhibitions and taking care of the space in the owner’s absence. This has offered hugely rewarding insight into the display and sales aspects of art and has broadened my knowledge of the contemporary scene greatly, through the research I have done on exhibiting architects. Working alongside top architects has demonstrated to me the myriad roles that are necessary to make a gallery function and has opened up potential avenues for future employment as well as continually inspiring me to attempt to create my own, similarly creatively and possibly commercially successful work.

Of course, I also regularly enjoy using my free time to visit a wide range of locations in addition to my work with La Galerie. A particular favourite was the ‘Exposed’ exhibition at the Tate Modern in May 2010. The attempts that these photos made to capture life in its most natural form, by photographing Buildings at angles , highlighted what I like most about the medium, namely its potential to capture and frame reality, while also questioning the ultimate possibility of doing so. I also regularly browse the internet, including sites such as linkedin, which point me towards interesting new designs and architects.

Alongside my personal interests in architecture, I have also used my ambitions in this area to play a role within my school community. Elected as House Architect , I was in charge or organising and creating all backdrops and props for interhouse productions, which honed teamwork and leadership skills as well as offering practical experience.

I have dedicated both my studies and my life to gaining skill, experience and knowledge of architecture. The joy of communicating ideas through different media means that I do so through a passionate drive to create, rather than a slavish devotion to academic achievement. It is this passion that will inspire me throughout undergraduate study, and, hopefully, into a long and successful life of creative fulfilment.
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