首页 石材、瓷砖、地板、墙面材料 瓷砖 岩板 河北领标科技发展有限公司 Factory Direct Delivery sintered stone big slabs kitchen countertops by porcelain slab


供应商: 河北领标科技发展有限公司前往供应商主页 >>
办公地点 河北 秦皇岛市 卢龙县 河北 秦皇岛市 卢龙县
供应商类型: 制造商,出口商
成立年份: 2018 年
年营业收入: 600万元-1200万元
员工总数: 10人以下
Factory Direct Delivery sintered stone big slabs kitchen countertops by porcelain slab

Factory Direct Delivery sintered stone big slabs kitchen countertops by porcelain slab

交货价:  ¥ 144 - 180
型号: SW163212M1913
最小起订量: 300
付款方式: 电汇,信用证

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, East Timor, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, State of Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Cyprus, Afghanistan, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Aland Islands, Bonaire,SaintEustatiusAndSaba, Faroe Islands, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kosovo, Germany, Poland, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Monaco, Guernsey, Isle Of Man, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Italy, Greece, Malta, Vatican, San Marino, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, French Southern Territories, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles, Kenya, South Sudan, Reunion, Mayotte, Chad, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, The Republic of Congo , The Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Republic of Botswana, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Saint Helena, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tuvalu, Samoa, tonga, Niue, The Cook Islands, American Samoa, Cocos Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Tokelau, Wallis And Futuna, Canada, United States, Mexico, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Anguilla, Bermuda, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Jersey, Cayman Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, Saint Pierre And Miquelon, Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten, United States Minor Outlying Islands, U.S.Virgin Islands, Guatemala, Belize, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Llívia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Curacao, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, 合肥, 芜湖, 蚌埠, 淮南, 马鞍山市, 淮北, 铜陵市, 安庆, 黄山, 阜阳, 宿州, 滁州, 六安, 宣城市, 池州, 亳州, 杭州, 宁波, 温州, 绍兴, 湖州, 嘉兴, 金华, 衢州, 台州, 丽水, 舟山市, 南昌, 赣州市, 宜春, 吉安, 上饶, 抚州市, 九江, 景德镇, 萍乡, 新余, 鹰潭市, 南京, 无锡, 徐州, 常州, 苏州, 南通, 连云港市, 淮安市, 盐城, 扬州, 镇江, 泰州, 宿迁, 长春, 吉林, 四平, 辽源, 通化, 白山, 白城, 延边朝鲜族自治州, 松原, 西宁, 海东市, 海北藏族自治州, 黄南藏族自治州, 海南藏族自治州, 果洛藏族自治州, 玉树藏族自治州, 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, 福州市, 莆田市, 泉州市, 厦门市, 漳州市, 龙岩市, 三明市, 南平市, 宁德市, 哈尔滨市, 齐齐哈尔市, 牡丹江市, 佳木斯市, 大庆市, 宜春, 鸡西市, 鹤岗市, 双鸭山市, 七台河市, 绥化市, 黑河市, 大兴安岭地区, 郑州市, 开封市, 洛阳市, 平顶山市, 安阳市, 鹤壁市, 新乡市, 焦作市, 濮阳市, 许昌市, 漯河市, 三门峡市, 商丘市, 周口市, 驻马店市, 南阳市, 信阳市, 济源市, 石家庄市, 唐山市, 秦皇岛市, 邯郸市, 邢台市, 保定市, 张家口市, 承德市, 沧州市, 廊坊市, 衡水市, 长沙市, 株洲市, 湘潭市, 衡阳市, 邵阳市, 岳阳市, 张家界市, 益阳市, 常德市, 娄底市, 郴州市, 永州市, 怀化市, 武汉市, 黄石市, 十堰市, 荆州市, 宜昌市, 襄阳市, 鄂州市, 荆门市, 黄冈市, 孝感市, 咸宁市, 仙桃市, 潜江市, 神农架林区, 恩施土家族苗族自治州, 随州市, 天门市, 枣阳, 钟祥, 沙市, 枝江市, 麻城市, 利川市, 老河口, 汉川市, 大冶, 丹江口, 乌鲁木齐, 昌吉回族自治州, 五家渠市, 石河子市, 胡杨河市, 双河市, 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, 可克达拉市, 伊犁哈萨克自治州, 塔城地区, 白杨市, 阿勒泰地区, 北屯市, 克拉玛依市, 吐鲁番地区, 哈密地区, 新星市, 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, 铁门关市, 阿克苏地区, 阿拉尔市, 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, 图木舒克市, 喀什格尔, 和田地区, 昆玉市, 拉萨市, 昌都市, 山南地区, 日喀则地区, 那曲地区, 阿里地区, 林芝地区, 兰州市, 嘉峪关市, 金昌市, 白银市, 天水市, 酒泉市, 张掖市, 武威市, 定西市, 陇南市, 平凉市, 庆阳市, 临夏回族自治州, 甘南藏族自治州, 南宁市, 柳州市, 桂林市, 梧州市, 北海市, 崇左市, 来宾市, 贺州市, 玉林市, 百色市, 河池市, 钦州市, 防城港市, 贵港市, 贵阳市, 六盘水市, 遵义市, 铜仁市, 黔西南布依族苗族自治州, 毕节市, 安顺市, 黔东南苗族侗族自治州, 黔南布依族苗族自治州, 沈阳市, 大连市, 鞍山市, 抚顺市, 本溪市, 丹东市, 锦州市, 营口市, 阜新市, 辽阳市, 盘锦市, 铁岭市, 朝阳市, 葫芦岛市, 呼和浩特市, 包头市, 乌海市, 赤峰市, 呼伦贝尔市, 兴安盟, 通辽市, 锡林郭勒盟, 乌兰察布市, 鄂尔多斯市, 巴彦淖尔市, 阿拉善盟, 银川市, 石嘴山市, 吴忠市, 固原市, 中卫市, 北京市, 上海市, 太原市, 大同市, 阳泉市, 长治市, 晋城市, 朔州市, 忻州市, 吕梁市, 晋中市, 临汾市, 运城市, 济南市, 青岛市, 淄博市, 枣庄市, 东营市, 烟台市, 潍坊市, 济宁市, 泰安市, 威海市, 日照市, 滨州市, 德州市, 聊城市, 临沂市, 菏泽市, 西安市, 铜川市, 宝鸡市, 咸阳市, 渭南市, 汉中市, 安康市, 商洛市, 延安市, 榆林市, 天津市, 昆明市, 昭通市, 曲靖市, 楚雄彝族自治州, 玉溪市, 红河哈尼族彝族自治州, 文山壮族苗族自治州, 普洱市, 西双版纳傣族自治州, 大理白族自治州, 保山市, 德宏傣族景颇族自治州, 丽江市, 迪庆藏族自治州, 怒江傈僳族自治州, 临沧市, 广州市, 深圳市, 珠海市, 汕头市, 佛山市, 韶关市, 湛江市, 肇庆市, 江门市, 茂名市, 惠州市, 梅州市, 汕尾市, 河源市, 阳江市, 清远市, 东莞市, 中山市, 潮州市, 揭阳市, 云浮市, 海口市, 三亚市, 三沙市, 儋州市, 五指山市, 乐东黎族自治县, 陵水黎族自治县, 保亭黎族苗族自治县, 琼中黎族苗族自治县, 东方市, 万宁市, 琼海市, 文昌市, 定安县, 屯昌县, 澄迈县, 临高县, 白沙黎族自治县, 昌江黎族自治县, 成都市, 绵阳市, 自贡市, 攀枝花市, 泸州市, 德阳市, 广元市, 遂宁市, 内江市, 乐山市, 资阳市, 宜宾市, 南充市, 达州市, 雅安市, 阿坝藏族羌族自治州, 甘孜藏族自治州, 凉山彝族自治州, 广安市, 巴中市, 眉山市, 重庆市, 中西部, 东区, 香港岛, 九龙城, 葵青区, 观塘, 北部, 西贡区, 沙田, 深水埗, 南区, 大埔区, 荃湾区, 屯门, 湾仔, 黄大仙, 油尖旺, 元朗区, 大堂区, 路氹城, 花地玛堂区, 嘉模堂区, 圣方济各堂区, 圣安多尼堂区, 风顺堂区, 望德堂区, 彰化县, 嘉义市, 新竹市, 新竹县, 花莲县, 高雄市, 基隆市, 连江县, 苗栗县, 南投县, 新北市, 澎湖县, 屏东县, 台中市, 台东县, 台南市, 台北市, 桃园市, 宜兰县, 云林县, 嘉义县, 金门县, 中区社理会, 东北社理会, 西北社理会, 东南社理会, 西南社理会, 吉隆坡, 吉打, 吉兰丹, 玻璃市, 登嘉楼, 槟城, 森美兰, 霹雳, 彭亨, 雪兰莪, 柔佛, 马六甲, 砂拉越, 沙巴, 纳闽, 布城

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, East Timor, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, State of Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Cyprus, Afghanistan, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Aland Islands, Bonaire,SaintEustatiusAndSaba, Faroe Islands, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kosovo, Germany, Poland, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Monaco, Guernsey, Isle Of Man, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Italy, Greece, Malta, Vatican, San Marino, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, French Southern Territories, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles, Kenya, South Sudan, Reunion, Mayotte, Chad, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, The Republic of Congo , The Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Republic of Botswana, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Saint Helena, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tuvalu, Samoa, tonga, Niue, The Cook Islands, American Samoa, Cocos Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Tokelau, Wallis And Futuna, Canada, United States, Mexico, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Anguilla, Bermuda, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Jersey, Cayman Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, Saint Pierre And Miquelon, Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten, United States Minor Outlying Islands, U.S.Virgin Islands, Guatemala, Belize, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Llívia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Curacao, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, 合肥, 芜湖, 蚌埠, 淮南, 马鞍山市, 淮北, 铜陵市, 安庆, 黄山, 阜阳, 宿州, 滁州, 六安, 宣城市, 池州, 亳州, 杭州, 宁波, 温州, 绍兴, 湖州, 嘉兴, 金华, 衢州, 台州, 丽水, 舟山市, 南昌, 赣州市, 宜春, 吉安, 上饶, 抚州市, 九江, 景德镇, 萍乡, 新余, 鹰潭市, 南京, 无锡, 徐州, 常州, 苏州, 南通, 连云港市, 淮安市, 盐城, 扬州, 镇江, 泰州, 宿迁, 长春, 吉林, 四平, 辽源, 通化, 白山, 白城, 延边朝鲜族自治州, 松原, 西宁, 海东市, 海北藏族自治州, 黄南藏族自治州, 海南藏族自治州, 果洛藏族自治州, 玉树藏族自治州, 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, 福州市, 莆田市, 泉州市, 厦门市, 漳州市, 龙岩市, 三明市, 南平市, 宁德市, 哈尔滨市, 齐齐哈尔市, 牡丹江市, 佳木斯市, 大庆市, 宜春, 鸡西市, 鹤岗市, 双鸭山市, 七台河市, 绥化市, 黑河市, 大兴安岭地区, 郑州市, 开封市, 洛阳市, 平顶山市, 安阳市, 鹤壁市, 新乡市, 焦作市, 濮阳市, 许昌市, 漯河市, 三门峡市, 商丘市, 周口市, 驻马店市, 南阳市, 信阳市, 济源市, 石家庄市, 唐山市, 秦皇岛市, 邯郸市, 邢台市, 保定市, 张家口市, 承德市, 沧州市, 廊坊市, 衡水市, 长沙市, 株洲市, 湘潭市, 衡阳市, 邵阳市, 岳阳市, 张家界市, 益阳市, 常德市, 娄底市, 郴州市, 永州市, 怀化市, 武汉市, 黄石市, 十堰市, 荆州市, 宜昌市, 襄阳市, 鄂州市, 荆门市, 黄冈市, 孝感市, 咸宁市, 仙桃市, 潜江市, 神农架林区, 恩施土家族苗族自治州, 随州市, 天门市, 枣阳, 钟祥, 沙市, 枝江市, 麻城市, 利川市, 老河口, 汉川市, 大冶, 丹江口, 乌鲁木齐, 昌吉回族自治州, 五家渠市, 石河子市, 胡杨河市, 双河市, 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, 可克达拉市, 伊犁哈萨克自治州, 塔城地区, 白杨市, 阿勒泰地区, 北屯市, 克拉玛依市, 吐鲁番地区, 哈密地区, 新星市, 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, 铁门关市, 阿克苏地区, 阿拉尔市, 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, 图木舒克市, 喀什格尔, 和田地区, 昆玉市, 拉萨市, 昌都市, 山南地区, 日喀则地区, 那曲地区, 阿里地区, 林芝地区, 兰州市, 嘉峪关市, 金昌市, 白银市, 天水市, 酒泉市, 张掖市, 武威市, 定西市, 陇南市, 平凉市, 庆阳市, 临夏回族自治州, 甘南藏族自治州, 南宁市, 柳州市, 桂林市, 梧州市, 北海市, 崇左市, 来宾市, 贺州市, 玉林市, 百色市, 河池市, 钦州市, 防城港市, 贵港市, 贵阳市, 六盘水市, 遵义市, 铜仁市, 黔西南布依族苗族自治州, 毕节市, 安顺市, 黔东南苗族侗族自治州, 黔南布依族苗族自治州, 沈阳市, 大连市, 鞍山市, 抚顺市, 本溪市, 丹东市, 锦州市, 营口市, 阜新市, 辽阳市, 盘锦市, 铁岭市, 朝阳市, 葫芦岛市, 呼和浩特市, 包头市, 乌海市, 赤峰市, 呼伦贝尔市, 兴安盟, 通辽市, 锡林郭勒盟, 乌兰察布市, 鄂尔多斯市, 巴彦淖尔市, 阿拉善盟, 银川市, 石嘴山市, 吴忠市, 固原市, 中卫市, 北京市, 上海市, 太原市, 大同市, 阳泉市, 长治市, 晋城市, 朔州市, 忻州市, 吕梁市, 晋中市, 临汾市, 运城市, 济南市, 青岛市, 淄博市, 枣庄市, 东营市, 烟台市, 潍坊市, 济宁市, 泰安市, 威海市, 日照市, 滨州市, 德州市, 聊城市, 临沂市, 菏泽市, 西安市, 铜川市, 宝鸡市, 咸阳市, 渭南市, 汉中市, 安康市, 商洛市, 延安市, 榆林市, 天津市, 昆明市, 昭通市, 曲靖市, 楚雄彝族自治州, 玉溪市, 红河哈尼族彝族自治州, 文山壮族苗族自治州, 普洱市, 西双版纳傣族自治州, 大理白族自治州, 保山市, 德宏傣族景颇族自治州, 丽江市, 迪庆藏族自治州, 怒江傈僳族自治州, 临沧市, 广州市, 深圳市, 珠海市, 汕头市, 佛山市, 韶关市, 湛江市, 肇庆市, 江门市, 茂名市, 惠州市, 梅州市, 汕尾市, 河源市, 阳江市, 清远市, 东莞市, 中山市, 潮州市, 揭阳市, 云浮市, 海口市, 三亚市, 三沙市, 儋州市, 五指山市, 乐东黎族自治县, 陵水黎族自治县, 保亭黎族苗族自治县, 琼中黎族苗族自治县, 东方市, 万宁市, 琼海市, 文昌市, 定安县, 屯昌县, 澄迈县, 临高县, 白沙黎族自治县, 昌江黎族自治县, 成都市, 绵阳市, 自贡市, 攀枝花市, 泸州市, 德阳市, 广元市, 遂宁市, 内江市, 乐山市, 资阳市, 宜宾市, 南充市, 达州市, 雅安市, 阿坝藏族羌族自治州, 甘孜藏族自治州, 凉山彝族自治州, 广安市, 巴中市, 眉山市, 重庆市, 中西部, 东区, 香港岛, 九龙城, 葵青区, 观塘, 北部, 西贡区, 沙田, 深水埗, 南区, 大埔区, 荃湾区, 屯门, 湾仔, 黄大仙, 油尖旺, 元朗区, 大堂区, 路氹城, 花地玛堂区, 嘉模堂区, 圣方济各堂区, 圣安多尼堂区, 风顺堂区, 望德堂区, 彰化县, 嘉义市, 新竹市, 新竹县, 花莲县, 高雄市, 基隆市, 连江县, 苗栗县, 南投县, 新北市, 澎湖县, 屏东县, 台中市, 台东县, 台南市, 台北市, 桃园市, 宜兰县, 云林县, 嘉义县, 金门县, 中区社理会, 东北社理会, 西北社理会, 东南社理会, 西南社理会, 吉隆坡, 吉打, 吉兰丹, 玻璃市, 登嘉楼, 槟城, 森美兰, 霹雳, 彭亨, 雪兰莪, 柔佛, 马六甲, 砂拉越, 沙巴, 纳闽, 布城
样品是否免费: 收费
主要出口港: Tianjin


Products Description

The sintered stone is very stable in high-temperature situations.

Just spoil drinks, seasonings, or anything you can imagine to your heart’s content and get it clean as new without too much effort.

The sintered stone is a material that is resistant to stain due to its high density.It’s easy to clean up these materials because the stain-causing agents simply stay on the surface and are unable to get into it.

The sintered stone is very hard, ranging from 6-7 Mohs hardness. You can cut food directly on a countertop made of sintered stone without causing any damage to the smoothing surface.

Resistant to High Temperatures

Made under 1280 °C sintering, it does not emit smoke or toxic substances when subjected to high temperatures.

Suitable for Contact with Foods

Hygienic surface is using 100% natural material. Non-toxic slabs that do not release micro-particles.

Resistant to Scratches

Mohs hardness reaching 7 makes it resistant to scratches and abrasion.

Resistant to Corrosion

Resistant to any kind of acids and liquid chemicals such as bleach or ammonia.

Easy to Clean

Waterproof and resistant to liquids and stains, with an absorption level of almost zero.

Resistant to Slip

Passed the DIN51130 Slip Resistance Test. Suitable for flooring of bathrooms and outdoor grounds.

Our Advantages

About Lingbiao Sintered Stones:

Lingbiao derives from decades of experience achieved by JW Group and is the first and biggest Sintered Stones manufacturer in North part of China. Lingbiao designs, produces and sells large-size Sintered Stones for countertops, furnishing accessories, for application on interior walls or for cladding of walls. Lingbiao Sintered Stones are manufactured in sizes of up to 1600×3200 mm, and are conceived for thicknesses of 6 and 12 mm, for all kinds of requirements. Lingbiao manufacturing plant is spread across 53.5 acres with a roofed space of 129,000 square meters. Equipped with the latest Sacmi Pressing Machine, System Printer and Air Power Glaze Application Machine, LingBiao Sintered Stone has the ability to compete with the best Italian and Spanish brands such as Laminam, Neolith etc.









Frame Weight(kg)















Total Frames/20ft Container





Total Slabs/20ft Container





Total Weight/20ft Container





Total Frames/40ft Container





Total Slabs/40ft Container





Total Weight/40ft Container





Production Process


What is LingBiao Sintered Stone?

Sintered Stone is not at all what is known as traditional ceramic or stoneware but rather evolved from these materials to the point that a new type of surface. LingBiao Sintered Stone is 100% natural based on 3 groups of elements: 1. Quartz and feldspar which provide the product with hardness and strength. 2. Minerals from glass and silica that provide chemical stability. 3. Natural oxides that offer chromatic properties.

What is the difference between LingBiao Sintered Stones and traditional ceramics?

Although traditional ceramic may have some common characteristics, it definitely doesn’t have all the characteristics of Sintered Stones such as its stain, chemical and heat resistance. Three major reasons cause the differences: First, the raw materials used to produce Sintered Stones are more refined and purer to ensure a more uniform product. Moreover, the machinery used to process these raw materials features the most advanced equipment and latest technology. The raw materials are pressed at a significantly higher pressure to get denser material. Then, the pressed material is baked for almost 2 hours which is much longer than for traditional ceramic which includes cycles of around 40 minutes. These longer cycles create Sintered Stone with a stronger, non-absorbent surface.

In what sizes is LingBiao Sintered Stone available?

LingBiao Sintered Stone is produced in two standard slab formats: 3,200×1,600 mm (126″x64″) and 2,600×1,200 mm (102″x18″). Custom-cut formats is also available for special orders. LingBiao Sintered Stone can be supplied pre-cut with custom measurements as of a certain quantity of m2.

In what thicknesses is LingBiao Sintered Stone available?

LingBiao Sintered Stone is available in 6 and 12 mm thickness and soon we shall be launching 3 mm. 3 mm can be used for interior tiling or furniture; 6 mm for interior and exterior flooring and exterior facades; 12 mm is reserved for more demanding product uses such as for kitchen countertops.

Which finishes is LingBiao Sintered Stone available in?

LingBiao Sintered Stone is available in different finishes which offer richness and value to the designs, from matt textures to shiny polished textures.

Where can LingBiao Sintered Stone be applied?

Because of the format and physical characteristics, LingBiao Sintered Stone is ideal for an endless number of interior and exterior uses in business and private homes: countertops, floors, walls, facades, tiling, furniture.

What are the requirements for fabrication and installation of LingBiao Sintered Stone?

 One requirement for working with LingBiao Sintered Stone is diamond tooling. Blades and core bits are a couple of tool types that will need to be used. Since Sintered Stone is harder than other stone types, the tools you use will need to be designed for cutting materials with the properties that Sintered Stone has. Besides, adhesives that are designed specifically for use on Sintered Stone may need as well. When selecting an adhesive to bond Sintered Stone, you also need make sure the color match the material you are using. 

Is LingBiao Sintered Stone scratch-resistant?

 Yes. LingBiao Sintered Stone is made of natural materials and is produced at very high temperatures and pressures which make it highly scratch and impact-resistant. However, sudden impacts, excessive temperatures and improper use can damage the surface of the material just like with any other surface. The vitrified surface of the Polished finish requires greater care as it does not feature as much surface hardness. For more information, we recommend you consult our sales person.

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